What are the causes of hair loss

What are the causes of hair loss?

1. Stress                                                             
The life cycle of hair has three important phases: the period of growth, rest period, and the period of loss. Severe stress can disrupt the cycle of hair, so speed up hair loss experience. His mark could be from strands of hair loss from the root (have a ' pouch ' tapering like a bulb at the end). ' Sac ' this means the hair has been through the whole growth phase, indicates the cycle has been accelerated due to the influence of stress.
2. An excess of vitamin A
Offered from health.com refer to the American Academy of Dermatology, too much vitamin A supplement or consuming certain drugs can trigger hair loss.
3. Lack of vitamin B
4. protein Deficiency
If you need Your protein is insufficient, the body will pull the ration of protein from your hair follicles and stop hair growth.
5. the Anemia
Anemia due to iron deficiency causing fatigue in the very, very, weak body, and skin Blanch. You may also be experiencing recurring headaches, concentration difficult, cold feet and hands, as well as hair loss.
6. unhealthy scalp
Unhealthy scalp can cause inflammation, so difficult hair to grow well.
Skin conditions that cause hair loss include psoriasis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, and fungal infections.


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